Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Recycled Art Creative Writing Prompts

I've been thinking a lot about Earth Day lately, and this weekend I took my daughter to poetry event at the library where there was a beautiful showcase of bug sculptures made out of things we might normally throw away.  There were bumble bees made from water bottles, caterpillars made out of egg cartons, and lady bugs made out of other throw aways which I couldn't really identify.  However, they were all pretty cool.  This morning I watched the news and there was a young gentlemen from Habitat for Humanitytalking about Habitat for Humanity's upcoming art show which is all made from recyclables.  It sounded awesome so I went an checked it out online.  I found the picture above titled, "Roller Mania" by Dee Dee Pellegrin.  And I found the sculpture of "Robo" by artists Hilarie Deleon and Nicole and Alex Polley.

For your free write prompt today that can be in any genre you would like, pick one of the two pictures here, or go to the website and pick another one, and just go where your pen or keyboard takes you.  Here is the website where you can vote for your favorite and see more.  http://www.milwaukeehabitat.org/pages/view/85

Here are some story starters:
"Robo was the most amazing pet because. . . "
"Even though Robo was programmed to be perfect, one time he got into some trouble that all started when he had an encounter with Sparky the Robotic Cat. . . "

Poetry Writing Idea:  Write a poem about the artist creating "Roller Mania," or about any artist creating something. 

Habitat for Humanity is one of my favorite non-profits out there making a true difference for those who need it.  I applaud the organization for such a unique Earth Day celebration. 


  1. Hello, Anjie! I just discovered your blog and am enjoying looking around! Wonderfully welcoming place! Like you, I taught English and writing for over decades as a classroom teacher, but now I tutor professionally. I'm always looking for new prompt ideas to spark my sessions with my writing students. Thank you for all of your very gracious and very giving hard work in putting this blog together! I'll be back often! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Great images and starters. Your usual thoughtful, intriguing work. Thank you, peace,


  3. Thanks for the positive feedback, Janet and Diane. Words from folks like you keep me going.


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