Sunday, August 26, 2012

Crossword Puzzle Writing Prompts

                                                  LIMES By Smabs Sputzer

Here is an idea you can use for a writing prompt anytime. Find words in crossword puzzles.

Since it is the New York Times' crossword editor's birthday --- Happy Birthday, Will Shortz!  ----- , in his honor I have picked words from a New York Times crossword puzzle for your creative writing prompts.  The words are below.  Pick 5-8 of them to use in a poem, story or scene.  OR pick one that prompts a memory and write a little bit of creative nonfiction.

Here are your words:

Limes, hissy fit, overtures, cartoons, ripest, hiatus, netted,
suede, flame, taken, royal, onyx, used, seance, swooned, sanity


  1. I wrote a short story using your words

  2. Dear Queen of the Tamourine,
    Thanks for stopping in. I read your story and think you did a pretty darn good job for a prompt like this. Your writing is excellent. I like how you described the different rooms. The bedroom being like it was set for a seance--- very clever! Keep writing and I wish you all the best.

  3. hi. its really an interesting post. thanks for sharing.

    crosswords online


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